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Real Top Praha is a charity sports team where members are well known celebrities from the cultural and sport life (active and former football and ice hockey players), which brings together about 100 members. Team of personalities was created in 2000 and in September 2005 a non profitable organisation under name „Real Top Praha“ was founded.

The purpose of a registered association is to support various charitable activities, mostly by sports matches.

Over the lifetime of Real Top Praha, we managed to support many people who really needed help and gather for them over 13 million Czech crowns.

We are the only team in the Czech Republic where celebrities participate in events without any compensation or reward. The best reward for us is to be able to help where needed.


Real Top Praha offers many posibilities for potential partners. If your company wants to help, to be part of this honorable project and still be well presented, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.